Monday, May 23, 2011

The Beginning

Hey All!
            First off, I am pleased to announce that everyone on the 6-week volunteer program for Living Hope is here! (including my new roommate). There is now a total of 7 of us. But first I should back up a bit and tell you what has been going on down in the cape!
           Saturday was opening day for the Living Hope campus. Now this may sound confusing, since the campus did open around 1999. But Natasha, who is the new public relations manager, decided it would be a good idea to have a public event to educated people in the town about Living Hope and what they do and want to do for the communities surrounding.  The turn out was great!! There was a huge tent, like one you may find at a circus, where they sold food, a jump and play for the kids, and lots of information and tours for all of the people. After all the people left, Alex and I (the only vols here this early) helped take down everything they had set up for this awesome event. Then we came back to the camp lodge and rested before going out with pizza with Time, Natasha, Amy, and Danielle (who are long term vols at Living Hope). It was really nice to sit back and enjoy a meal with these people, at a place that was very "South African".
            Sunday we went to a South African church called King of Kings Baptist church. After awesome worship and a great sermon we went to go back to the camp lodge to change. We then met up with one of the vol's families and went to a nice lunch at "The Toad". I decided to keep it safe and stick with Pizza and a Salad, both of which were very good. Then we went back to the house to have some down time, before we drove over to Fish Hoek Beach for a huge South African BBQ. it was very yummy and the company was fantastic with many long term vols from Living Hope! The View was GORGEOUS!
           Today, was a great day! After not sleeping through a terrible storm that came through. (doesn't help with the jet lag). But anyways, we woke up and went to Living Hope's main campus for the beginning of orientation. A lot of information. After this we got in the van and went on a tour of all the villages Living Hope helps: Red Hill, Capericorn, Overcome Heights, Mountain view, Ocean View, Masiphumelele. The poverty at these places is unbelievable. Theses are the places I will be working at the next 6 weeks. I cannot wait to get out of the van and meet these people! Today was also one of the team members, Alex, birthday. So, Tim, Natasha, & Amy came over with cupcakes before dinner!
          Overall, my experience here has been great! I miss everyone back in the States more than they know, but God is doing incredible things.

This is a picture of the team at Red Hill. 

Lauren Brown


  1. Lauren, I am SO glad you made it and glad you seem to be enjoying yourself! I love you so much and can't wait to read more about your journey. Know that you're in my thoughts and prayers. xoxo Maria
